Being that North Shore-LIJ is the largest employer in the region, it's no wonder there are a number of married couples in the health system. If and your spouse both work within the health system and are also non-union and benefits-eligible you need to be aware of the new requirement for benefits enrollment in 2014.
New for 2014 Open Enrollment: The spouse who is categorized in the higher benefit group (Group 1A being the highest) will now be responsible for electing coverage for themselves,
or for themselves and their dependents.
For example: Mary works as an administrative assistant in IT (putting her in Benefit Group 3) and her husband, Larry is a physician on staff at North Shore University Hospital (putting him in Benefit Group 1A). Mary has always been responsible for electing benefits for herself, her husband and their two children. With this change in the enrollment process, Larry will now be responsible for electing coverage due to his higher benefit group.
For consideration in this case: Mary can continue to claim herself and two children. Since she chooses the Value Plan and completes all four Wellness Pledges her cost for benefits will remain at $0. Larry can cover himself as single, under Benefit Group 1A.
Benefit Group 3 generally refers to staff-level employees
Benefit Group 2 generally refers to manager-level employees
Benefit Group 1 generally refers to directors and assistant vice presidents
Benefit Group 1A generally refers to executives (above the AVP level) and physicians
Benefit Group 1A is considered the highest level of the Groups
North Shore-LIJ feels this change in enrollment is in alignment with the compensation or its employees.