Friday, January 17, 2014

Paycheck Credit for Health Assessment

Are you one of the few thousand people who opened up your email only to discover you did not complete your health assessment in time for the December 2 Health Assessment Pledge deadline? No worries. The email reminder was sent to alert you that the pledge was extended through January 31. The only drawback is you missed out on your January and February paycheck credits.

For those of you that enrolled in the pledge during Open Enrollment, but did not complete the actual health assessment until after December 2 you will not see your $10 paycheck credit until March's pay cycle. The reason for the delay is the time it takes to process the assessment and turn it into a credit. Be positive, there is still time to comply: visit now and begin saving in March! For detailed instructions visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Benefits>Open Enrollment Kit.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Health Assessment Pledge Extended to Jan 31!

What's a New Year without a few New Year's resolutions? Most of us promise to exercise more, eat healthier, and spend more time with family. The health system encourages your efforts not just at the beginning of the year but all year long. Because of your commitment to a healthier lifestyle, the benefits and employee wellness departments at North Shore-LIJ have decided to extend the 2014 Health Assessment Pledge to January 31, 2014. This extension should provide you and your covered spouse (if applicable) the time needed to complete and submit the online Health Assessment. Here's what you have to do to receive the $10 paycheck credit beginning in March:

  1. Visit
  2. Register and login with a username and password
  3. Click on the Health Assessment tab on the right side of page
  4. Register and login using the same username and password you used for
  5. Answer security questionis
  6. Fill in the health information
  7. Hit submit

The Health Assessment will ask you for the results from a recent doctor's visit. If you were unable to visit with your physician recently you can use your biometrics from a previous exam.

Visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Benefits>Open Enrollment Kit  for details on how to access and submit the Health Assessment.

Note: This extension for compliance is for the Health Assessment Pledge only, all other pledges were closed December 2, 2013, as previously communicated. 

Happy and Healthy New Year to All!