The summary shows the pledge action choice on the left and the date of service you complied on the right.
As you can see none of the employee's pledges have been loaded into the Wellness Summary yet.
Please note: When you take action on one of your Wellness Pledges it takes at least one month for that information to load into your summary.
Below is the schedule of file uploading into the North Shore-LIJ platform from our carriers:
Health Assessment: 3rd Monday of month
United Healthcare claims: 3rd Monday of month
Cigna Dental claims: 1st Monday of month
Davis Vision claims: 1st day of month
How Your Information Loads
Let's give some examples:
Your annual exam was on February 4, 2015. You should see your visit as complied the following month on the third Monday, March 16. United feeds their files on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Your dental cleaning was sometime in January and again in July. You should see your dental visit as complied on the January date of service. Your second visit will not override your first.
Your eyes were examined on January 26. To view your date of service on our Wellness Summary you will have to check back March 1, first day of the following month.
Still Don't See Date of Service?
Please keep in mind your physician's office may delay filing the claim with the carrier, which will further delay the capturing of your visit. Not to worry - as long as you complete your four wellness pledges/actions before December 31* you will receive the paycheck credits in 2016.
Check on the Status of Your Pledges
If you want to check up on the status of your pledges visit Employee Self Service - Personal Information - Self Service - Benefits - Wellness Summary.
*To receive your credits beginning with the first pay cycle of 2016, finish all pledges before October 31!