Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy and Healthy 2015!

Yes, the 2015 Pledge Program will officially close December 31, 2014 at midnight, but the Pledge to Be Well continues in the new year. Next year's Wellness Pledge Program - in exchange for paycheck credits in 2016 - will be very similar to the one that you just completed. Once again, you will be asked to complete the online Health Assessment, and complete 3 additional healthy actions in 2015 to maximize your savings at $1,040 in 2016. The big difference is that you will have much more time to complete these actions: January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014! An important note to keep in mind remains in 2015: if you complete your pledges in November/December your 2016 paycheck credits will be delayed 6-8 weeks in 2016. This process is unavoidable at this point in time, but the team continues to review it.

Survey for Feedback
We want to hear what you think, so please take a minute or two to fill out this brief survey. All who do will be entered into a raffle to win a special fitness-related gift from the Wellness Team and the Department of Total Rewards.

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Carrying Over Your 2014 Flexible Spending Accounts

Are you considering how much pre-tax money you should be setting aside in your 2015 Healthcare and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts? Have a conversation with your covered dependents to accurately designate the correct amount of money you plan to use in 2015. Who needs a new pair of glasses? Think about how much your child's braces will cost. Consider summer camp expenses and daycare. Need help? The WageWorks® website is a great resource, packed with tools that will make your decision-making educated and easy.

Still Have Money Left Over from 2014?
The health system has extended the use of your 2014 Dependent Care and Healthcare FSA money through March 15. Services or products need to be utilized by March 15 and claims need to be filed by March 31, or you will lose it.

In comparison, the U.S Treasury announced the Use It or Lose It ruling last year, allowing participants to carry $500 of unused Healthcare FSA money only. The health system's generous three month grace period allows you to spend whatever amount you have leftover, and does not just limit you to $500, or to just Healthcare spendings, it also includes your Dependent Care spendings.

File Claims for 2014 through March 31, 2015
If you have money left in a 2014 Healthcare or Dependent Care FSA and plan to use it between January 1 and March 15, 2015 - don't try using that 2014 Debit Card - it will be declined. And don't use your new Debit Card, because it will then be depleting your 2015 account.

Any Healthcare of Dependent Care FSA money left from 2014 should be filed through a claim only - not a WageWorks Debit Card - by March 31. Read more about how to file a claim for a Healthcare FSA or Dependent Care FSA.

Each year you participate in an FSA, WageWorks will email you your annual savings statement at the end of the year. Very cool!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Understand Your Benefits

As Open Enrollment enters its second week, the Benefits Team continues to bring you information - just simplified. Keeping you informed about your benefits - in the most efficient way possible is important to us, and that is why we have provided you with the resources you need to fully understand and successfully enroll in your 2015 Benefits.

Questions About Your Benefits?
Refer to the employee intranet HealthPort-Human Resources-Benefits (this link will only work from an "In-Network" computer) for all the information you need. Open up the Benefit Guides folder and you will find information for all North Shore-LIJ administered plans. Open up the 2015 Open Enrollment Kit and find multiple one page documents on the most frequently researched topics, such as: the difference between the two medical plans, the two dental plans, what's in-system versus in-network. We hope these simplified explanation of your benefits will help you to appreciate and utilize them in 2015.

Questions About How to Enroll?
View this 6 minute video, which reviews everything you need to know to successfully enroll you and your dependents in the 2015 benefits.

Topics of Interest
Go ahead and post your comments if you have a suggestion for a conversation. We love feedback!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Wellness Pledge Program: Final Deadline Approaches

If you have not completed any of the Wellness Pledges in exchange for your 2015 paycheck credits - you still have time. The final deadline for the 2015 Pledge Program is December 31, 2014. Although it may be too late to schedule and complete a clinical appointment but you can still submit the most important pledge of all - your online Health Assessment (HA).
Note: This program is for employees who enrolled in the 2014 Value or Buy-Up medical plan.

Health Assessment is 100% Confidential
The online assessment is administered by United Healthcare and 100% confidential. Your proof of compliance is the date you completed and submitted the health assessment through The HA takes about 15 minutes to complete, and can be completed from any computer, at any time. If you do not have your biometric numbers handy, such as your cholesterol or body mass index, you can always give your doctor a call and use the numbers from your last visit.

Here's What You Do
  • Visit
  • Login with your username and password (or register and create an account)
  • Hit the blue button on the far right side "Health Assessment"
  • Complete the security questions
  • Complete your HA to best of your ability
  • Hit submit
Paycheck Credits
Your Health Assessment is the gateway to all your other wellness pledges. By completing your HA before December 31, 2014 you will be eligible to collect partial 2015 paycheck credits of $10 per bi-weekly paycheck and  $10.83 for semi-monthly. Because you missed the first two deadline dates of September 30 and October 31, your credits will be delayed by 4-8 weeks. This credit will not be retroactive. 

Next Year's Pledge Program
We hope this newly designed program helped to give you a reality check on your preventive care routine this year. Moving into 2015 the health system will continue to offer financial incentives in exchange for your healthy actions. There will be very little change to the program in 2015. Let's review:
  • The Wellness Video Pledge will no longer be offered in 2015
  • A new pledge (currently in design) will the added to replace the Video
  • The Pledge Program will be referred to as the Annual Pledge Program to encourage your preventive care routine - all year long!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Enrolling in Your 2015 Benefits

Open Enrollment will be live within the Employee Self Service platform - 12:01 am, December 3 and through 11:59 pm, December 17. This is your annual opportunity to make changes to your benefits package.

Logging in from an In-Network Computer
Once logged in with your Universal ID and Password, hit Benefits, Open Enrollment 2015. When Open Enrollment launches you will be "Welcomed" with a brief paragraph reminding you to elect a set amount of pre-tax dollars in your 2015 Healthcare and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

Logging in from and External Computer
You can enroll in your benefits from any computer. Visit, login with your Universal ID, Password and ESS Key. Once logged in, hit Personal Information - Self Service - Benefits - Open Enrollment 2015.

First Action: Flexible Spending Accounts 
To emphasize the importance of understanding your FSAs, the Benefits Team has moved them to the top of the list. To learn more about the value of Healthcare and Dependent Care FSAs, visit WageWorks or do a quick review on HealthPort-HR-Benefits-Open Enrollment Kit 2015.

What' Next?
Once you have set aside your pre-tax dollars for your FSAs, you will experience the following options on ESS during Open Enrollment: You can rollover, update or waive any of the benefits listed below.

Medical: Hit the next "Enroll" button and up pops a brief explanation on your medical plan choices, followed by what you currently have, and the rates. Scroll lower and you will have the ability to change your dependent coverage.
Hit Update or Discard and move on to the next.

Medical is followed by Spousal Surcharge Question (which you can keep as is or updated), and a line indicating how many (if any) Wellness Pledges you have satisfied.

Dental and Vision: Dental options follow. Same deal - a brief description, followed by what you currently have, the rates and dependent coverage.
Hit Update or Discard and move on to the next.

Disability: The Short- and Long-Term Disability sections gives you the opportunity to "Buy-Up". If you do select to buy-up, your choice will prompt The Hartford to send you an Evidence of Insurability form (EOI or proof of good health). This form  must be cleared before your Buy-Up Disability is active.

Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment: As in Disability you can "Buy-Up" your Life Insurance but you will have to provide EOI to Aetna. This is referred to as Supplemental Life Insurance.

Spouse and Child Life Insurance: This area will allow you to insure your dependents at different levels of coverage.

Confidential and Complete
ESS will save your information as you go through and make your choices. Even if you have hit the Submit Button, you can still change your mind over the course of OE. A message runs throughout telling you "Enrollment will not be complete until you Submit your choices." Don't let this throw you - you have until December 17 to change your mind!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Decreased Copay for In-System Urgent Care

Many minor injuries and illnesses may not warrant a trip to the local ER, yet may require some sort of clinical attention. No need to panic and spend the $150 copay for an ER visit in 2015, more and more in-system urgent care centers will be popping up within our communities at a reduced copay (in 2015) of just $30. In addition to our already established in-system centers in:

  • Bethpage: 4300 Hempstead Turnpike, 11714
  • Rego Park: 95-25 Queens Blvd., 11374

North Shore LIJ has partnered with Access Clinical Partners to create even more centers, saving you time and money on those many bumps and bruises, sneezes and belly aches.

North Shore-LIJ Partners to Create GoHealth -
In-System Urgent Care

These facilities will be open, M-F, 8 am to 8 pm and weekends, 9 am to 5 pm.
Many more in-system urgent care centers are due to open in 2015. Read more.

In-Network Urgent Care
If you are not close to any of the in-system centers that are currently open, check in with one of the many in-network/United Healthcare urgent care centers within our communities. The copay for these visits remain at $40 in 2015.

When to Seek Emergency Care
Not sure what you should do? Review United Healthcare's considerations on your level of emergency care.

Value and Buy-Up Medical Plans

What's the Difference Between the two Medical Plans??
First let's clarify that there are two plans - both administered through our carrier, United Healthcare: they are referred to as the Value and Buy-Up. The terms "In-System, In-Network and Out-of-Network" are not referring to the Medical Plans they are referring to the providers, facilities and services you use once you elect a plan. So when you are reviewing those medical plan grids in your 2015 Benefits Resource Guide (pages 4-9) understand - the Blue is Value and the Teal is Buy-Up They are two different plans with just a few basic differences. Now is when the terms  "In-System, In-Network and Out-of-Network" come into play.
  • In-System means you are using a North Shore-LIJ healthcare provider, facility or service. 
  • In-Network means you are using a United Healthcare provider, facility or service.
  • Out-of-Network means you are using a healthcare provider, facility or service outside of the health system and the United Healthcare network
No Differences Here!
There are no differences in the Value and Buy-Up Plans when you use in-system providers, and North Shore-LIJ facilities and services.
Value Plan
In-System has no annual deductible and no coinsurance 
In-System has a copay of $20 for primary care and $40 for specialty care
Buy-Up Plan
In-System has no annual deductible and no coinsurance 
In-System has a copay of $20 for primary care and $40 for specialty care

Differences Here
The differences in Value and Buy-Up Plans come up when you use in-network and/or out-of-network providers and facilities.
Value Plan
In-Network/United Healthcare has an annual deductible or $750 for an Individual and $1,500 for Family.
In-Network/United Healthcare has a coinsurance of 30%
Buy-Up Plan
In-Network/United Healthcare has an annual deductible or $500 for an Individual and $1,000 for Family
In-Network/United Healthcare has a coinsurance of 10%
Value Plan
Out-of-Network has an annual deductible or $2,500 for an Individual and $5,000 for Family
Out-of-Network has a coinsurance of 50%
Buy-Up Plan
Out-of-Network has an annual deductible or $1,000 for an Individual and $2,000 for Family
Out-of-Network has a coinsurance of 30%

To Sum it Up
If you want to have access to out-of -network providers, facilities and services you may want to consider paying a bit more per pay check for the Buy-Up Plan. 
Most employees chose the Value Plan - in fact, in 2014 the health system had 80% domestic utilization.
Visit HealthPort-HR-Benefits and print out a copy of the 2015 Medical Plan Options.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Compare Plans in Advance

With most organization's Open Enrollment occurring in November,  North Shore-LIJ recognizes that you may be considering enrolling in your spouse's plan in 2015 and may need to make an educated decision - now - and not wait until December 3 (which is when North Shore-LIJ's Open Enrollment begins). That is why we have made the necessary information available to non-union employees and Lenox Hill Hospital/MEETH Registered Nurses on HealthPort>HR>Benefits.

For the Non-Union Population
Benefit Groups
  • Benefit Group 1A generally refers to executives and physicians
  • Benefit Group 1 generally refers to directors and AVPs
  • Benefit Group 2 generally refers to managers and clinical mid-level providers
  • Benefit Group 3 generally refers to staff-level employees
Location Reference
Another thing to keep in mind as you read through your Open Enrollment materials, the term "non-365" refers to employees who do not work in a facility that operates 24/7, 365 days a year. Non-365 employees receive the same healthcare benefits as an employee working in a hospital (referred to as a 365 Employee) with slightly different plans for disability, life insurance, and Paid Time Off. There in no "Non-365" status for physicians and executives.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Your 2015 Benefits - Simplified

Thanks for checking in on, your go-to place for Open Enrollment information - simplified. Over the next couple of weeks the Benefits Blog will share topics of interest surrounding your "non-union" benefits package.

Follow the Blog for Easy-to-Follow Information
A great way to make this information come right to your inbox  is to "Follow the Blog". All you have to do is submit your email address directly to the right of this paragraph. Every time a new article is posted you will be alerted with an introduction to that post. You can choose to read further or pass. Just another way of simplifying your Benefits during Open Enrollment!

Time Frame
2015 Benefits Open Enrollment is Wednesday, December 3 through Wednesday, December 17. At this time you will have access - on Employee Self Service - to enroll, re-enroll or waive your benefits with North Shore-LIJ.

What to Consider NOW
In preparation for Open Enrollment, take the time to review the 2015 North Shore-LIJ Plan Options, found on Employee Intranet>HR>Benefits. This is the only time of year you are eligible to update or newly enroll in the health administered plans.

Note: Qualifying Life Event, which is a change in martial or dependent status, allows you to make changes in your benefits at certain milestones in your life. If you have additional questions regarding Qualifying Life Events, contact your Site HR Office.

Enrollment Options with Carrier Links
Medical (with Express-Scripts): Value or Buy-Up with United Healthcare with Prescription
Dental: DPPO or DHMO with Cigna
Vision: One plan option with Davis Vision
Flexible Spending Accounts: Healthcare and Dependent Care FSAs with Wage Works
Disability: Automatic Short-Term 50% with The Hartford, options to "buy-up" with evidence of good health
Life Insurance: Automatic basic term life with Accidental Death and Dismemberment with Aetna, options to "buy-up" with evidence of good health

Compare the Cost
Compare these plans with those offered by your spouse's employer (if applicable) by viewing the 2015 Plan Rates and Costs, found on HealthPort-HR-Benefits.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Gateway to Your Wellness Pledge Credits

If you are planning to enroll or re-enroll in the North Shore-LIJ Value or Buy-Up medical plan you are eligible to receive 2015 paycheck credits in exchange for completing an online Health Assessment and 3 additional health-related actions.

Health Assessment is the Gateway Pledge
It's not too late to complete the Health Assessment Pledge, which is the most important pledge. Without this pledge you are not eligible to receive paycheck credits for the others.
Example: Susan had a dental cleaning in March, an annual physical in June and a mammogram in August - if Susan completes the Gateway Pledge by October 31 she will receive the maximum amount of paycheck credits ($1,040) beginning with her first pay cycle in 2015. If Susan waits and does not complete her final Pledge until November or December - her paycheck credits will be delayed 4-8 weeks. If Susan ignores the Health Assessment altogether she will not receive paycheck credits for any pledges in 2015.

What are you waiting for? Complete your online HA now:
  1. Visit
  2. Register and log in with a username and password
  3. Click on the Health Assessment tab on the right side of page
  4. Register and login using the same username and password you used for
  5. Answer security questions
  6. Fill in the health information
  7. Hit submit
The Health Assessment is 100% confidential. Your health information is housed by a third party provider, Optum Health and not shared with North Shore-LIJ Health System. The only information the health system receives is the date you submitted it.

Wellness Summary
The Health Assessment will appear on your Wellness Summary, the third Monday of the following month in which the HA was completed and submitted.

The Program's Goal
The Wellness Pledge Program's goal is to educate and engage participating employees about the importance of their preventive healthcare routine. The Program runs on an annual basis and requires health-related actions the year prior to the receipt of paycheck credits. New Hires and those new to the medical plan have six months to comply. Scroll down and read more about the Wellness Pledge Program, or visit HealthPort-HR-Benefits-2015 Wellness Pledge Program.

Now you are on your way to a healthier and wealthier new year!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October is Here!

Since the deadline for the Wellness Pledges have been extended that mammogram you scheduled for during Breast Cancer Awareness Month will be in accordance with the 2015 Wellness Pledge Program.
Let's review the Pledge deadlines:

  • Complete the online Health Assessment on and 3 additional pledges by October 31 and you will receive your maximum paycheck credits beginning with the first pay cycle in 2015
  • Complete the online Health Assessment on and 3 additional pledges after October 31 (in November/December) and your paycheck credits will still appear in 2015 but they will be delayed 4-8 weeks - keep in mind, they will not be retroactive!

What you can do NOW - if eligible for the Pledge Program*
Step One: 
Complete your online Health Assessment on - it's the gateway pledge and is required in order to receive any paycheck credits in 2015
Step Two: 
Watch the Wellness Video - it was posted on your iLearn Module for viewing and submission
Step Three: 
Schedule 2 appointments (pledges) before Oct 31 and you will receive full credits:
--Annual Exam or Physical
--Dental Exam and/or Cleaning
--Vision Exam
--Breast Cancer Screening/Mammography
--Skin Cancer Screening/Check with a Dermatologist
--Colorectal Cancer Screening
In Addition: 
If you currently have your spouse covered under our medical plan you are also eligible to receive credit if he/she completes the online Health Assessment on

Read more by searching 2015 Wellness Pledge Program in the search box (upper right corner of this Blog) or click here.

*You must be a non-union benefits-eligible employee or a Lenox Hill Hospital RN who is planning to enroll of re-enroll in North Shore-LIJ's Value or Buy-Up medical plan with United Healthcare to be eligible for the paycheck credits. New hires and those new to the medical plan in 2015 will have 6 months from their benefit's eligibility date to comply with the Program. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Wellness Pledge Program Extended

If you still have not completed your pledges and are having difficulty scheduling appointments or screenings in September, now you have a bit more time!
  • Complete the four wellness pledges/actions by October 31 and your paycheck credits will begin with the first pay cycle in 2015. 
  • Complete the pledges in November/December and you will receive your 2015 paycheck credits, but they will be delayed 4-8 weeks (or the first few pay cycles in January). These credits will not be retroactive, so do your best to complete all four pledges by 10/31!
Wellness All Year Long
The pledge extension has been opened up through December because the health system wants you to consider your preventive care routine all year long.

Give it Time!
If you are constantly checking your Wellness Summary to review the status of your pledges, remember it takes time for the providers to send in the claims, and it takes time for the claims to feed into the Wellness Summaries.

United Healthcare sends the claims to us the third Monday of every month so if you choose to do the Physician Wellness Visit in early August your date of service should be marked on your Summary after September 22 (remember September 1 was  legal holiday and did not count as the first Monday of the month).

If you took the time to take care of yourself, we'll take the time to take care of you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wellness Pledges for 2014 New Hires and Those New to the Plan in 2015

Are you considering enrolling (for the first time) in North Shore-LIJ's 2015 Value or Buy-Up medical plan through United Healthcare during Open Enrollment? Or perhaps you were recently hired and are looking at your benefit options in 2015. Either way, note that you have six months to complete these pledges. 

Wellness Pledge deadline for employees hired in 2014:
If you were hired in 2014 and currently enrolled in the 2014 Value or Buy-Up medical plan through United Healthcare you may have noticed four paycheck credits in your pay statement. That's because you we want your health experience at North Shore-LIJ to be a positive one. Now it's time for you to prepare for your health in 2015 by complying with the rest of the North Shore-LIJ family and complete your 2015 Wellness Pledges on time. Here's what you need to know:
  • You have six months to comply with the 2015 Wellness Pledge Program starting from your benefits eligibility date
  • Your benefits eligibility date is the first day of the month 32 days after your date of hire
  • Example:-Your first day at North Shore-LI was June 16
    -You are eligible for benefits enrollment on August 1
    -Your 2015 Wellness Pledges are due in six months from August 1 - that would be January 31, 2015
  • Up until that date of January 31 you will have received those first few paycheck credits in 2015
  • If you do not complete your pledge actions by January 2015 - your credits will cease with the February pay cycle
  • You are not expected to pay the health system back for those credits
Wellness Pledge deadline for employees who plan to enroll for the first time in the North Shore-LIJ Value or Buy-Up medical plan
Attention Lenox Hill Hospital Nurses:
  • You have six months from the day your benefits become effective with North Shore-LIJ's medical plan to complete the four pledges - that would be June 30, 2015
  • Up until that date of June 30 you will be receiving the paycheck credits each pay cycle
  • If you do not complete your pledge actions by June 30 - your credits will cease with July's pay cycle
  • You are not expected to pay the health system back for those credits
The health system hopes this newly designed Wellness Pledge Program will help to keep your preventive care at top of mind - not just when selecting your benefits - but all year long!

For more information about the Wellness Pledge Program, stay logged in and search "2015 Wellness Pledge Program" in the SEARCH THIS BLOG box in the upper right corner
visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Benefits>2015 Wellness Pledge Program>Wellness Pledge Toolkit for New Hires.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wellness Summary on Employee Self Service

You are now able to view your Pledge compliance on ESS. Notice that the online Health Assessment is listed first and in bold due to the mandatory completion requirements. If you do not complete and submit the online Health Assessment Pledge prior to December 31, you will not receive any paycheck credits for you other pledges.

The summary shows the pledge action choice on the left and the date of service you complied on the right.
As you can see none of the employee's pledges have been loaded into the Wellness Summary yet.

Please note: When you take action on one of your Wellness Pledges it takes at least one month for that information to load into your summary.

Below is the schedule of file uploading into the North Shore-LIJ platform from our carriers:
Health Assessment: 3rd Monday of month
United Healthcare claims: 3rd Monday of month
Cigna Dental claims: 1st Monday of month
Davis Vision claims: 1st day of month

How Your Information Loads
Let's give some examples:
Your annual exam was on February 4, 2015. You should see your visit as complied the following month on the third Monday, March 16. United feeds their files on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Your dental cleaning was sometime in January and again in July. You should see your dental visit as complied on the January date of service. Your second visit will not override your first.
Your eyes were examined on January 26. To view your date of service on our Wellness Summary you will have to check back March 1, first day of the following month.

Still Don't See Date of Service?
Please keep in mind your physician's office may delay filing the claim with the carrier, which will further delay the capturing of your visit. Not to worry - as long as you complete your four wellness pledges/actions before December 31* you will receive the paycheck credits in 2016.

Check on the Status of Your Pledges
If you want to check up on the status of your pledges visit Employee Self Service - Personal Information - Self Service - Benefits - Wellness Summary.

*To receive your credits beginning with the first pay cycle of 2016, finish all pledges before October 31!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

There's Still Time to Do Wellness Pledges

Did you know over 8,000 benefit participants did not file a healthcare claim in 2013? That means 8,000 of our employees/dependents were not proactive with their health in 2013! So while there is still a few good months before winter hits us what better way to celebrate than to Pledge to Be Well. 

If you are planning on enrolling in the 2015 medical plan with North Shore-LIJ, and have not had the chance to review or act on the 2015 Wellness Pledge Program in exchange for your paycheck credits in 2015, the time to act is NOW -  the deadline for the pledge program has been extended through the end of the year.

Deadline Dates
  • October 31 is the deadline to remember if you want those paychecks starting with the first pay cycle in 2015.
  • Pledge compliance in November/December will still get you paycheck credits in 2015 but they will be delayed by 4 to 8 weeks. These credits will not be retroactive, so do your best to complete all four pledges by October 31.
Who is Eligible?
Full-time and eligible part-time non-union employees and Lenox Hill nurses who are enrolling or re-enrolling in the 2015 medical plan through North Shore-LIJ.

Here's the quickest way to complete your pledges:

One:  Submit Your Mandatory Online Health Assessment 
Complete the online Health Assessment (HA) on (which is a mandatory pledge). Visit HealthPort for detailed instructions.

Two: Watch the Wellness Video on iLearn
Take 2 to 3 minutes to watch this informative video about your preventive care on North Shore-LIJ's Learning Management System's iLearn (refer to this blog post for more on the video)If the Wellness Video Pledge is not loaded on your module and you know you have not viewed it, contact for help.

Three: Schedule a Dental Exam
If you are up to date on your dental hygiene you should be scheduling your second dental exam/cleaning for the calendar year. If so, note you have complied as of the first, since the dates of eligibility are January 1 through December 31. If you have not had any dental exam in 2014 and have no dentist, search Cigna Providers.

Four: Schedule An Eye Exam
Schedule an exam even if you have no problems with your vision. Vision issues can arise as we age. Search Davis Vision for a location near you. Keep in mind you need to be currently enrolled in the Vision Plan for your visit to be recorded.

What Else?
Another valuable Pledge is the HA for your Covered Spouse - just keep in mind your spouse can only participate if he or she is currently enrolled in the health system's medical plan with United. Visit

Visit HealthPort or tool around this Blog, to learn more about the other pledge choices available to you.
Here's to a happy healthy you - all year long!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Schedule Time for a Brighter Future

With the official kick off to summer happening on June 21 what better way to celebrate the season than to think smart about all those sunny skies ahead.

Here to Help
In conjunction with North Shore-LIJ, the retirement experts at Transamerica Retirement Solutions is now offering one-on-one half hour retirement planning sessions with one of its' four on-site retirement consultants. These qualified experts will help you to analyze your current financial situation and help you to get on track for a bright and secure financial future. There are no fees or sales associated with these meetings, they are offered to you as part of your Total Rewards Package at North Shore-LIJ. Sign up today and:
  • Learn more about saving and investing
  • Enroll in the plan, if you have not done so yet
  • Determine how much you should be contributing
  • Understand the investment options offered to you through North Shore-LIJ
  • Get familiar with the interactive investment tools on
Contact Information
For your convenience you can choose a time and place that best works for your by scheduling directly on the Transamerica website:

To contact the reps directly:
For Franklin, Southside, Plainview, Syosset and Huntington hospitals, contact Paul Joseph at or 914-268-8787

For Lenox Hill and Staten Island University hospitals and MEETH, contact Diane Aurelio at or 347-918-7693

For North Shore University, Forest Hills, Glen Cove and Zucker Hillside hospitals, and LIJ and Cohen's medical centers, and Corporate offices, contact Paul Darata at or 201-249-3380 or Steve Israel at or 516-459-3150.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What to Expect from the Clinical-Based Pledges

If you are a non-union, benefits-eligible employee, who just happens to be reading your emails from the Department of Total Rewards, you know by now there is a new design to the 2015 Wellness Pledge Program. In close collaboration with the Wellness Team, the Program was rethought to encourage employees to better engage in their health care routine, by proactively scheduling exams and screenings that are tracked through North Shore-LIJ's carriers, UnitedHealthcare, Cigna Dental and Davis Vision. You are recognized for your preventive care pledge compliance with $260 for each pledge, credited to your paycheck beginning January, 2015.

As mentioned in the previous post - you now have choices - in fact you have nine of them! Out of those nine pledges, seven need scheduling on your part. Take the time to review your options carefully, as they were designed to give you the opportunity to act proactively on your health and preventive care - long before enrolling in your 2015 benefit plans.

What to Expect at Your Visit or Screening
Some of you may have never scheduled a physician wellness visit before, or perhaps it's your first time to the dermatologist. Whatever your level of knowledge is - it's always good to know more. For more information about the seven clinically-based wellness pledges read more on HealthPort - HR - Benefits. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

2015 Wellness Pledge Program Starts Now!

Your wellness should be top of mind all year round. That's why the health system has redesigned the Wellness Pledge Program for all benefits-eligible employees who plan to enroll, or re-enroll, in the North Shore-LIJ Value or Buy-Up medical plans with UnitedHealthcare in 2015.

Available Now
Unlike previous years, the Wellness Pledges are available to you now through September 30, 2014. In conjunction with Employee Wellness, the Benefits Team is hoping by offering you these opportunities well in advance of Open Enrollment you will  be more prone to take positive action about your health early on.

Here's How it Works
You have from January 1 to September 30, 2014 to complete four Wellness Pledges in exchange for four paycheck credits in 2015. Each pledge is worth $260 annually, totaling $1,040 in savings to your pockets in 2015.
Step One: You must choose to complete and submit your health assessment in order to proceed with the other three out of nine pledges offered. The reason for this HA requirement is so you take accountability of your health.
  • Visit
  • If you have not registered yet: register, login, then click the blue button on the right side of the screen "Health Assessment" - this will take you to another registration and login screen where you will use the same username and password you used for myuhc
  • If you are already registered from last year: Simply login and click on Health Assessment and begin the assessment
  • Once complete hit submit, and save your confirmation statement.
Keep in Mind
  • You cannot resubmit your HA until six months have passed since your last Health Assessment
  • If you were unable to complete your 2014 HA until January 2014, your HA is then good for 2015 Wellness Pledge compliance
Step Two: Choose to complete three of the nine pledges listed below before September 30, 2014. Each pledge will be tracked by one of three carriers: UnitedHealthcare, Davis Vision or Cigna. There is nothing for you to track. Choose to act on three of the following Wellness Pledges now, in exchange for paycheck credits in 2015:
  1. Physician Wellness Visit
  2. Dental Exam 
  3. Vision Exam 
  4. Breast Cancer Screening
  5. Skin Cancer Screening
  6. Colorectal Cancer Screening
  7. Cervical Cancer Screening
  8. Wellness Education Video (not active - you will be notified once live)
  9. Health Assessment for a Covered Spouse
For more information and instructions about the 2015 Wellness Pledge Program, visit HealthPort-HR-Benefits.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Visit UnitedHealthcare Online at

If you have medical benefits through North Shore-LIJ's Value or Buy-Up Plan then you have access to valuable health information housed on UnitedHealthcare's confidential website.

Get Started
Once registered and logged in, you can view your benefits and coverage, medical and reimbursement policies, all while utilizing  interactive tools, such as myHealthcare Cost Estimator,  a tool designed to estimate your healthcare costs, leading you to better decision making.

Great Resource for Health Information
In addition to being a great resource when managing your services and claims, shares valuable health information that is constantly updated and refreshed.
  • View May's Wellness Online featuring Blood Pressure Awareness.
  • Visit the LiveWell, BeWell, WorkWell section - covering sensitive topics such as grief and loss, domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse, anger management and so much more*. 
  • And don't forget to check in and utilize the I Do section. Here you can research weight management, stress relievers, exercise, nutrition and general preventive care.
Download the Health4Me App
Now you can get all this information - and more - right in the palm of your hand. Download the free Health4Me app to your Smartphone and get on the go. Take a moment and view this brief video to see how it works.

*If you find yourself dealing with difficult topics or feelings, be sure to reach out to the North Shore-LIJ behavioral health experts at the Employee Assistance Program: 1-877-327-4968 or EAP is a professional, confidential counseling service designed to help you resolve problems that have an impact on your life at home, school or work.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sunny Skies Ahead

Great news for all North Shore-LIJ retirement plan participants: the blackout period is over and your account is now accessible through our new administrator, Transamerica Retirement Solutions. In collaboration with North Shore-LIJ, Transamerica was able to successfully transfer most North Shore-LIJ retirement funds (with the exception of frozen plans) and align the Staten Island University Hospital funds in just a few weeks. Working hard to efficiently and effectively move your retirement funds is the first step towards building a valuable partnership with Transamerica, and the health system hopes you recognize this accomplishment with serious consideration for your future retirement.

Get Moving!
It's time to take a closer look at exactly what your retirement funds look like. To get started, visit or call 844-NSLIJ (844-675-4547) and set up your user ID and password. Once logged in you will be able to view and access your account.

Don't Know What to Do?
Transamerica representatives will be at many locations, running group meetings through May. Take advantage of this valuable resource and learn more about how you can actively participate in your financial future. Get closer to your retirement goals by learning how to manage your account with interactive tools that are not only easy to navigate through but actually fun to use. Reserve your spot today! Can't make a meeting? Webinars are also available at

Keep it Going!
Now is  a great time to consider increasing your contribution to your 403(b) or 401(k) plan. Make an additional commitment to your future and aim for contributing at least 10% of your eligible pay. Can't quite afford that yet? Try the Auto-Increase service, this will automatically increase your contributions at set times. Start off slowly, maybe 1% every 18 months. Little by little your clouds will give way to sun!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Fee Structure with Transamerica

We've received several comments regarding the health system's new retirement plan fee structure at Transamerica. This new fee structure was carefully considered by North Shore-LIJ for the benefit of all employees.

To Clarify
With Transamerica, you will pay one flat record-keeping fee. At MetLife, you paid a flat record-keeping fee and an additional fee that was a percentage of your total account balance. In other words, with MetLife, the more you saved, the more fees you had to pay. We hope that by removing this percentage-of-savings fee you will save more and not feel penalized by the higher fee.

Building your retirement savings is a healthy goal that should be supported by fees that do not increase along with your savings.

With MetLife, the annual and percentage fees resulted in an average total fee of $77 per year. At Transamerica, the annual record-keeping fee will be $60 for the 403(b) and 401(k) plans, and $90 for the 457(b). You'll see this fee billed in quarterly installments on your account statements (in addition to any fees charged by the companies that manage your investments).

One flat fee also means employees pay an equal and fair share of costs for administering the plan. Since a person with a low balance receives the same plan administrative benefits and resources as a person with a high balance, the health system and the Investment Committee believe this fee should be shared equally as well.

We hope this helps you better understand the changes to the retirement plans' fee structure. For more information, visit the Transition Portal on

Thanks very much for your feedback and support.

Monday, March 24, 2014

EZ Receipts App Eliminates Paper

If you participate in the pre-tax payroll deductions through WageWorks®, check out the new mobile app now offered for your iPhone, Blackberry or Android. EZ Receipts™ allows you to manage your healthcare, dependent care and commuter benefit accounts while on the go. No more copying, mailing or faxing, with EZ Receipts all it takes is a few clicks and you are done.

Access the App
  • First step- register with WageWorks by creating an online username and password. Visit and follow the prompts
  • Learn about the Mobile Site and download the app by visiting
Mange Your Accounts
  • Snap a picture of your receipt(s) and send right to your account - it's that easy!
  • In addition to submitting, you can also view your claims and activity, and profile and preferences
To learn more, view this helpful video from WageWorks.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dependent Audit for Benefits

Have you received a letter in the mail asking for proof of your dependents? If so, it is important that you reply with the correct documentation, such as a birth certificate or marriage license. North Shore-LIJ is verifying that all dependents currently covered by the health system-sponsored medical plans are actually eligible for this coverage. If it turns out your loved one is not eligible for our health plans you will not be penalized but you will have to find alternative coverage. If you need assistance providing the documentation requested contact the  third party vendor, ACS, HR Solutions at 1-888-218-1475.

Some of the relationships that are not legitimate for dependent coverage include:

  • Ex-spouses
  • Live-in partners or roommates 
  • Girlfriends/boyfriends or same-sex domestic partners
  • Cousins, nieces, nephews, sisters, brothers, parents
  • Neighbors and/or friends
  • Children over 26

In order to be eligible for medical coverage your dependent must be: 

  • A legally married spouse
  • Children under the age of 26 - natural, step and adopted
  • Unmarried children who are incapable of self-support due to physical or mental disability

A Smooth Move to Transamercia

On March 28 at 4pm the North Shore-LIJ retirement plans will be transferred from MetLife to Transamerica Retirement Solutions (March 31 for Staten Island University Hospital plan participants). The few weeks that follow is known as the blackout period. This is the time period that you will not be able to access your retirement account with MetLife or Transamerica, meaning you will not be able to initiate any transactions such as investment transfers, withdrawals or loans. The blackout period is due to end the week of April 20, although Transamerica and North Shore-LIJ aim to end it sooner.

For Staten Island University Hospital Plans
Transamerica has been a valuable partner to the employees at Staten Island University Hospital for several years. Now that they have fully integrated with the health system their retirement plan's fund line-up will convert to the same fund line-up as North Shore-LIJ's. Read more from the Transition Newsletter. 
It's all coming together now!

No Worries
The transition to Transamerica was designed to be as seamless as possible. In fact, there is very little you will need to do. Here's what you don't need to do:
  • Your account will transfer automatically, you will continue to save for your retirement without interruption
  • Your investment strategy will stay consistent, and your contributions will be in the same or similar funds
  • There are no forms for you to fill out
  • Your beneficiary will transfer with your account
What About the Frozen Plans?
Frozen plans refer to retirement plans that are inactive and closed to new entrants. Frozen plans will not be transferred from MetLife to Transamerica until later in the year. If you have a frozen plan you will be contacted towards the later part of 2014.

Once the transition is over you will be notified via email and mail. At that time you will have to register and sign in online with a new username and password (that goes for Staten Island University plan participants too!). For more information, check out the North Shore-LIJ Transition to Transamerica portal at

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Retirement Plans Move in March

If you have a North Shore-LIJ retirement account currently administered by MetLife, take note those plans will be moving from MetLife on March 28 at 4pm and converted  over to our new record keeper Transamercia Retirement Solutions the week of April 20. Now is a good time to start thinking about the strength (or the weakness) of you retirement planning. Answer the following questions yes or no:

  1. Without looking at your 403(b)/401(k) account, do you know how much you are currently contributing?
  2. Do you know how much you have to contribute to these plans to receive an employer match?
  3. Do you know the difference between a Cash Balance Plan and your 403(b)/401(k) Plan?
  4. Is saving for your retirement a high priority?
  5. Do you have any kind of plan for the future?
If you answered no to 3 or more of the above questions you should start paying more attention to your financial health. Step one to a healthier retirement: Start off by checking exactly what you are contributing to your 403(b) or 401(k) saving plan before the March 28 blackout begins. If you are still contributing under 6% you are not taking advantage of North Shore-LIJ's generous employer match. Once you hit 6% the health system kicks in 2%. Visit or call 855-675-4547 to adjust your contributions today for a healthier tomorrow.

Transamerica Can Help
Retirement planning can be an overwhelming experience if you have no advice or direction. Over the next several months, take advantage of the educational tools and services that our new administrator, Transamerica, will offer. Onsite representative will be present beginning mid April to talk you through your concerns. Online investment tools will assist you once your account is active the week of April 20. 
Keep checking your email for more information about the conversion to Transamerica.

Monday, March 3, 2014

In Need of a Leave?

Would you know what to do if all of a sudden you were in need of a Leave from you job? Perhaps the Leave is due to the sudden illness of a spouse or child, or maybe you have been injured yourself and are unable to perform you daily functions at work.

There are a variety of reasons one may have for taking a Leave of Absence. Understanding the process and policies is something every employee should know. Here are some facts:

  • You must notify your manager with details and your contact information as soon as you are out for more than seven consecutive days
  • You must stay in contact with your manager at least every 30 days while on Leave
  • You must file paperwork applicable to your Leave after seven days out
  • You must have clearance from your manager is you are considering a Personal Leave
  • To claim under the the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) you must be an employee for a least one year or have worked 1,250 hours in the health system
  • To file a Disability Claim you must call The Hartford at 866-458-1002 (union members should refer to their Benefit Fund)
  • Upon return, you must contact Employee Health Services (Occupational Health/Injury Management for Staten Island University Hospital employees) 3 days prior to your return to work
For more information, check in with your site HR office or manager. To review the policies and procedure in detail, visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Policies and Procedures.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Get Financially Fit with Transamerica

After an extensive review North Shore-LIJ has chosen Transamerica Retirement Solutions as the new recordkeeper for the health system's  403(b), 401(k) and 457(b) retirement plans. Transamerica will replace MetLife on April 1, 2014, and will bring many benefits to its investors; including a flat-fee structure, user-friendly tools that encourage retirement saving, and commitment to education and financial guidance.

Be Prepared
The conversion of some 50,000 accounts, worth over 3.3 billion dollars, will begin on March 28 at 4pm with MetLife and will end the week of April 20 with Transamerica. This period of time is known as the blackout period and is common in all such transactions. Although you are still invested during this time, you will not be able to access your account. North Shore-LIJ and Transamerica will be working hard to end the blackout period as soon as possible and hope to restore access to your account earlier than the projected week of April 20.

Take the Time to Review
March is a good time to consider increasing your contribution to your retirement plan. If you do decide to boost your savings you can do so by contacting MetLife at or 855-675-4547, prior to the conversion on March 28. Or you can wait after the blackout and contact Transamerica at 844-NSLIJHS (844-675-4547) or

Did You Know?
The health system encourages all employees to be smart about saving by automatically contributing 3% of your pay into a 403(b) or 401(k) plan on the one-year anniversary of your hire. To further encourage you, North Shore-LIJ will throw in a 2% match if you increase your contribution to 6%. So start thinking now about how you can get financially fit in time for your retirement.

The timeline and notices for the conversion for North Shore-LIJ plans moving from MetLife to Transamerica and the timeline and notices for the Staten Island University Transamerica fund lineup change can be found on Employee Self Service and

Friday, January 17, 2014

Paycheck Credit for Health Assessment

Are you one of the few thousand people who opened up your email only to discover you did not complete your health assessment in time for the December 2 Health Assessment Pledge deadline? No worries. The email reminder was sent to alert you that the pledge was extended through January 31. The only drawback is you missed out on your January and February paycheck credits.

For those of you that enrolled in the pledge during Open Enrollment, but did not complete the actual health assessment until after December 2 you will not see your $10 paycheck credit until March's pay cycle. The reason for the delay is the time it takes to process the assessment and turn it into a credit. Be positive, there is still time to comply: visit now and begin saving in March! For detailed instructions visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Benefits>Open Enrollment Kit.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Health Assessment Pledge Extended to Jan 31!

What's a New Year without a few New Year's resolutions? Most of us promise to exercise more, eat healthier, and spend more time with family. The health system encourages your efforts not just at the beginning of the year but all year long. Because of your commitment to a healthier lifestyle, the benefits and employee wellness departments at North Shore-LIJ have decided to extend the 2014 Health Assessment Pledge to January 31, 2014. This extension should provide you and your covered spouse (if applicable) the time needed to complete and submit the online Health Assessment. Here's what you have to do to receive the $10 paycheck credit beginning in March:

  1. Visit
  2. Register and login with a username and password
  3. Click on the Health Assessment tab on the right side of page
  4. Register and login using the same username and password you used for
  5. Answer security questionis
  6. Fill in the health information
  7. Hit submit

The Health Assessment will ask you for the results from a recent doctor's visit. If you were unable to visit with your physician recently you can use your biometrics from a previous exam.

Visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Benefits>Open Enrollment Kit  for details on how to access and submit the Health Assessment.

Note: This extension for compliance is for the Health Assessment Pledge only, all other pledges were closed December 2, 2013, as previously communicated. 

Happy and Healthy New Year to All!