Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Changes in the Annual Wellness Pledge Program

Each year the Wellness Pledge Program becomes a bit more robust, offering new options and resources to get you well, and keep you well. 
  • The Health Assessment Pledge for You and Your Covered Spouse: As the gateway pledge, this pledge is the most important pledge of all. The health assessment (which is now called the Rally Health Survey on the United Healthcare portal) is a fun and easy way to get information about your health.
    Value and Buy-Up Plan members login to myuhc.com and click on the Rally Health Survey.
    CareConnect Employee Plan members login to access the Rally Health Survey here.
  • The Financial Wellness Video Pledge: Designed to keep you in tune with your financial security in the future, this video pledge is currently in redesign and will be available to you mid-May. 
  • New Pledge with the Feinstein Institute for Research: Employees now have a new option to gain credit towards the cost of their benefits by participating in clinical research. Pledge here.

Here's What You Can Do Now to Comply:
Schedule one or more preventive care appointments in 2016 prior to October 31, 2016, and you will be rewarded paycheck credits beginning with your first pay cycle in 2017:
  1. Complete the Health Survey (this is re
  2. Visit with your primary care physician and get a full physical 
  3. Visit with your dentist and get an exam and cleaning 
  4. Visit with your ophthalmologist for an eye exam 
  5. Get screened for breast cancer with a mammography by Imaging
  6. Get screened for skin cancer with a full body check by your dermatologist 
  7. Get screened for cervical cancer with PAP Smear by your obstetrician/gynecologist
  8. Get screened for colorectal cancer with a colonoscopy by Imaging
  9. Have your covered spouse (if applicable) complete the Health Survey
  10. Participate in the Feinstein GAP Registry

2017 Paycheck Credits for 2016 Pledge Actions
Complete all four pledges by October 31 and you will earn the maximum amount of paycheck credits in 2017 ($1,040). If you complete your pledge in November/December you will still receive the credits they will just be delayed by six to eight weeks, and you will not receive the maximum amount of credits.

If you have completed the pledges you will see the credit in each of your pay statements as follows:

  • Semimonthly (paid on the 7th and 22nd of each month - 24 paychecks a year)- $10.83 for each pledge each pay cycle
  • Biweekly (paid every other Thursday - 26 paychecks a year) - $10 for each pledge each pay cycle

We are happy to see that you are actively interested in this important program, keeping you in tune with your preventive care routine each year. 

Note: Newly hired employees will receive automatic credit for four Wellness Pledges. They will have six months to comply or their credits will cease.


Anonymous said...

I think that offering a pledge for participating in research via Feinstein is not ethical and would be considered coercion. The benefits office must follow the same federal guidelines that we do in research offices with respect to study participation.

Anonymous said...

How many wellness pledges can be completed in 2016 for paycheck credits in 2017?

Northwell Health People Communications said...

In response to March 3 at 4:57am: You will need to complete the Health Survey on myuhc.om plus three additional pledges in 2016 to get the maximum amount of paycheck credits in 2017.

Northwell Health People Communications said...

In response to February 29 at 11:49am: The Wellness Pledge Program is a voluntary program. A participant can choose many other actions if they do not want to participate in research at Feinstein. For example, along with the Health Survey, you can chose three of the following actions: go for a physical exam, dermatology exam, have a mammogram, colonoscopy, vision exam, dental exam and/or see a financial wellness video. No one will question your decision to do or not do any wellness actions in our program. This program has been approved by the Northwell Institutional Review Board, which is a part of the Human Research Protection Program at Northwell. Thanks very much for your interest in the program.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything that needs to be done, ie. a note or form, once we complete a exam or something along those lines? Or will it automatically be picked up and the health bonus added?

Northwell Health People Communications said...

In response to April 27 at 2:09pm: Once you have completed a pledge, such as an exam or screening, your date-of-service will be transferred from your provider to our carrier and then lastly to your Wellness Summary on Self Service. Please note that the Wellness Summary is currently inactive. When it is live again the process takes about 6 to 8 weeks to transfer. There is nothing you need to do - it is an automatic process.