Friday, September 19, 2014

Wellness Pledge Program Extended

If you still have not completed your pledges and are having difficulty scheduling appointments or screenings in September, now you have a bit more time!
  • Complete the four wellness pledges/actions by October 31 and your paycheck credits will begin with the first pay cycle in 2015. 
  • Complete the pledges in November/December and you will receive your 2015 paycheck credits, but they will be delayed 4-8 weeks (or the first few pay cycles in January). These credits will not be retroactive, so do your best to complete all four pledges by 10/31!
Wellness All Year Long
The pledge extension has been opened up through December because the health system wants you to consider your preventive care routine all year long.

Give it Time!
If you are constantly checking your Wellness Summary to review the status of your pledges, remember it takes time for the providers to send in the claims, and it takes time for the claims to feed into the Wellness Summaries.

United Healthcare sends the claims to us the third Monday of every month so if you choose to do the Physician Wellness Visit in early August your date of service should be marked on your Summary after September 22 (remember September 1 was  legal holiday and did not count as the first Monday of the month).

If you took the time to take care of yourself, we'll take the time to take care of you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wellness Pledges for 2014 New Hires and Those New to the Plan in 2015

Are you considering enrolling (for the first time) in North Shore-LIJ's 2015 Value or Buy-Up medical plan through United Healthcare during Open Enrollment? Or perhaps you were recently hired and are looking at your benefit options in 2015. Either way, note that you have six months to complete these pledges. 

Wellness Pledge deadline for employees hired in 2014:
If you were hired in 2014 and currently enrolled in the 2014 Value or Buy-Up medical plan through United Healthcare you may have noticed four paycheck credits in your pay statement. That's because you we want your health experience at North Shore-LIJ to be a positive one. Now it's time for you to prepare for your health in 2015 by complying with the rest of the North Shore-LIJ family and complete your 2015 Wellness Pledges on time. Here's what you need to know:
  • You have six months to comply with the 2015 Wellness Pledge Program starting from your benefits eligibility date
  • Your benefits eligibility date is the first day of the month 32 days after your date of hire
  • Example:-Your first day at North Shore-LI was June 16
    -You are eligible for benefits enrollment on August 1
    -Your 2015 Wellness Pledges are due in six months from August 1 - that would be January 31, 2015
  • Up until that date of January 31 you will have received those first few paycheck credits in 2015
  • If you do not complete your pledge actions by January 2015 - your credits will cease with the February pay cycle
  • You are not expected to pay the health system back for those credits
Wellness Pledge deadline for employees who plan to enroll for the first time in the North Shore-LIJ Value or Buy-Up medical plan
Attention Lenox Hill Hospital Nurses:
  • You have six months from the day your benefits become effective with North Shore-LIJ's medical plan to complete the four pledges - that would be June 30, 2015
  • Up until that date of June 30 you will be receiving the paycheck credits each pay cycle
  • If you do not complete your pledge actions by June 30 - your credits will cease with July's pay cycle
  • You are not expected to pay the health system back for those credits
The health system hopes this newly designed Wellness Pledge Program will help to keep your preventive care at top of mind - not just when selecting your benefits - but all year long!

For more information about the Wellness Pledge Program, stay logged in and search "2015 Wellness Pledge Program" in the SEARCH THIS BLOG box in the upper right corner
visit HealthPort>Human Resources>Benefits>2015 Wellness Pledge Program>Wellness Pledge Toolkit for New Hires.